以各种日常生活情境为主题的动画。学习者可以透过动画人物间的对话,熟悉主题生词与常用句型。 With various daily-life themes, learners can watch the animations to simulate the cartoon figures’ conversations, which feature commonly-used sentence patterns and themed vocabulary.
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10 Animations
1 min - 3 min Each
8 Intructions & 8 Manga
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10 Listening
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我会说系列是专为中文初学者所设计的学习内容,有活泼、逗趣的动画和下载资源互动练习。可爱又亲切的动画人物会带领初学者从发音、识字学起,进一步认识生词和短句,奠定学习者听、说、读、写的基础能力。主要学习内容学习不同的句型,并在动画中学习不同的单子,在真人的语音辅助,学习者可以一边阅读一边参考发音。另外还提供老师听力练习MP3音档,还可以下载列印与学习内容相关的PDF文件。课程最后提供学生练习卷,可以在做完单元后测验自己是否已学会 I can speak is designed for beginning learners of Chinese, featuring fun and lively animations and multimedia interactive exercises. The lovely cartoon figures will guide learners from pronunciation, Chinese characters, and furthermore to short sentences, establishing learners' basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Hanyu Pinyin is marked under the main Chinese learning content, and live voice audio is also embedded. Learners can refer to the live voice when reading. Additionally, we provide teachers listening practice mp3 files and printable learning content in pdf format. Practices are provided in the last unit. Students can test themselves whether they have learned all the words and sentences after watching the animations.
Created by
Jr Shi Tseng and Chiao Chuan Yang have dedicated themselves for over 15 years to developing cartoons from Chinese literatures on a website, 5QChannel. Their goal is to help children to learn Chinese in a joyful experience, and help teacher to create amazing Chinese courses. They are still working hard now to search good Chinese stories and making them into cartoons.